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What Happens During an Abortion? Answers in Sault Ste. Marie, MI

The type of abortion often depends on how far along you are (gestational age), patient preference, cost, and availability. If you are considering an abortion, your first steps can include:

  • Confirming your pregnancy

  • Verifying how far along you are

  • Talking to a nurse about your health history and your options

  • Learning about the risks and side-effects of the abortion pill and abortion procedures

Take the first step and make an appointment today to confirm your pregnancy.

Request an Appointment

The following explains different abortion procedures used during the first trimester. For information on later-term abortion procedures, please contact us.

(Note: We do not perform or refer for abortions.)

First Trimester Abortions

RU486, Mifepristone (The Abortion Pill): Within 70 days after last menstrual period (LMP)

RU486 is a series of two required pills. The first is administered at the doctor's office (mifepristone). This pill blocks progesterone and breaks the connection between the fetus and the uterine walls. The second pill (misoprostol) can be taken at the doctor's office or at home 24-48 hours after the first pill. It causes the uterus to contract and essentially starts labor.  Heavy cramping and bleeding may last up to two weeks. 

Since the mifepristone pill works by blocking the hormone necessary for the fetus to stay implanted in the uterine wall, it is possible to reverse a medical abortion IF you have not yet taken the second pill. This is called APR (Abortion Pill Reversal). If you have already taken the first medication, and wish to stop the abortion, contact to find help near you.

Manual Vacuum Aspiration: up to 7 weeks after LMP

This procedure begins by inserting a long, thin tube into the uterus. The embryo is then suctioned out with a large syringe attached to the end of the tube.

Suction Curettage: between 6 to 14 weeks after LMP

The doctor will first widen the cervix with metal rods to make room for the larger fetus. Local or general anesthesia is typically administered to combat pain for the mother. (No pain medication is given to the fetus.)

A tube attached to a suction machine is then inserted into the uterus and used to dismember and extract the fetus piece by piece. Finally, a loop-shaped knife is utilized to sweep the uterus of all fetal remains.

We also have information for Second and Third Trimester abortion procedures. Please make an appointment and we can share the information we have.

Next Steps

If you are pregnant and considering abortion, you owe it to yourself to get answers and learn your options before you decide. An empowered decision is an informed decision.

We provide free pregnancy services, including medical-grade testing, limited obstetric ultrasounds, consultations, and evidence-based information on abortion and pregnancy options. We do not perform or refer for abortion.

Make an Appointment today.



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