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Before You Decide

Looking for information about taking an abortion pill or different types of abortion procedures?


Make an appointment today to learn more about the types of abortion by trimester, determine how far along you are, and talk to one of our client advocates about your options.

Abortion providers offer both medical and surgical abortions. The types of abortion that may be available depend on factors such as how far along a woman is in her pregnancy and what kinds of procedures an abortion provider offers.

Image by Christopher Boswell

> Schedule your appointment online

Compass does not perform or refer for abortions. 

Types of Abortion

Abortion Pill

The pill is actually two drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol) and is taken in two doses, one at a doctor’s office or clinic, and the other at home. Learn more about the pill, how it works, and the medical and emotional side-effects.


To determine how far along you are and to talk to a nurse about your pregnancy options, make an appointment with Compass today.

Surgical Abortion

There are several types of surgical abortions.  Suction aspiration,  also called suction curettage, or vacuum aspiration abortion, is performed during the first 6 to 16 weeks gestation. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) is another type of procedure typically done in later weeks. Both types have risks and side-effects that greatly vary depending on your gestation and health. If you are considered late-term and are still considering an abortion, make an appointment with Compass today to talk about your options.

Make an appointment to learn more about abortion pills and procedures. Compass does not perform or refer for abortions.

Considering Abortion? 4 Questions to Ask >>


Are You Really Pregnant?

There are many reasons you may have a positive home test. 

Before making any decisions, know for sure you are pregnant and that the pregnancy is viable. 


It’s important to determine if the pregnancy is normal and if you are at risk for a natural miscarriage or ectopic (tubal) pregnancy to prevent any complications.


How Far Along Are You?

Abortion costs vary and depend on how far along you are, where you get a medical abortion or the type of abortion procedure. Most clinics require an ultrasound confirmation. 

Make an appointment for a free ultrasound today to determine how far along you are and what pregnancy options are available to you.


Do You Have a Risk of Infection?

Not all abortion providers provide testing for STIs or STDs.


Ruling out or treating an STI or STD is important because infections or serious complications can occur if the STD/STI isn’t treated before you undergo an abortion procedure.


Have You Discussed Long-Term Effects?

Learn about any potential side-effects of medical or surgical abortions and how they relate to your physical and mental health by coming to Compass and talking with a client advocate. 

Your health and safety are our top priorities. 

We also can provide you with referrals for OB care, family care, and psychiatric assistance if needed. 

Your Next Steps >>

We offer free lab-grade pregnancy testing and ultrasound confirmation so you can be fully informed before taking your next step. We do not perform or refer for abortions. 

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1420 Ashmun Street 

Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783


Sunday - Closed

Monday 10am – 4pm
Tuesday 10am – 4pm
Wednesday  10am – 4pm
Thursday - Closed

Friday - Closed

Saturday - Closed

Compass Pregnancy And Family Resource Center (formerly Care Net Pregnancy Center of the EUP) is a medical clinic and a 501c3 non-profit in the state of Michigan. While we do not provide or refer for abortion services, we can answer your questions about side effects, what to expect, and more.  Read our Commitment of Care  and Notice of Privacy Practices for our clients. 

The information on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical or legal advice. We are committed to protecting your health information. Please be aware that communicating via unencrypted text messaging or messaging services has some level of risk of being read by a 3rd party. 

© 2025 - Compass Pregnancy & Family Resource Center - All Rights Reserved

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